Welcome to Aspire Admissions
Aspire Private British School is an independent, academically selective school taking children from ages 4-18 years old. Entry into theInfants, the Juniors and the Seniors  is by assessment. Entry into the Sixth Form is based on GCSE results or equivalent assessment. We aim in most cases for September entry and encourage parents to apply as early as January as spaces are limited. We do admit children into all sections of the school at other times of the year but this is dependent on spaces being available. For more information, please contact our Admissions Officer by calling 00357 26623606 or email [email protected]
Reception Class is a vital foundation for each and every child’s education. We encourage children to join Aspire Private British School at 4 years of age in the Reception Class. There will sometimes be available places in other infant year groups throughout the year.
The activity-based assessment for entry into our Infant classes takes approximately 30 minutes and will involve a number of activities designed to assess your child’s potential in a relaxed environment.
If you require further information, you can make a general enquiry here or call our Admissions Officer on 00357 26623606 or email [email protected]
To make a direct application please complete an application form here
How to apply
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Getting Started
Our Infant children progress smoothly into our Juniors also known as Key Stage 2 and incorporates Years 3-6. If you wish to join the Juniors, our assessments take place throughout the year.
The assessment for entry into our Junior classes takes approximately 2 hours and consists of a Maths and an English Reading and Writing test.
If you require further information, you can make a general enquiry here or call our Admissions Officer on 00357 26623606 or email [email protected]
To make a direct application please complete an application form here
How to apply
Apply Online
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Place Accepted
Getting Started
There are more opportunities to join Aspire Private British School in the Seniors particularly in Year 7 as due to high demand, we now operate a two-form entry into the secondary school. The Seniors consists of Key Stage 3 and 4 and incorporates years 7-11.
The assessment for entry into our Senior classes takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes and consists of a Mathematics and an English Reading and Writing test.
If you require further information, you can make a general enquiry here or call our Admissions Officer on 00357 26623606 or email [email protected]
To make a direct application please complete an application form here
How to apply
Apply Online
Place Offered
Place Accepted
Getting Started
The sixth form consists of Year 12 and Year 13 and students study for A levels and the Cyprus Apolyterio School Leaving Certificate leading them directly to university study around the world.
Admission to the Sixth Form is by interview and a minimum entry requirement of 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C (9-4) or equivalent are required. Alternatively students may sit entrance assessments.
Students are able to join Sixth Form from our Senior School or from any other school. Students are required to submit their subject choices for A Level when they register for entry; their most recent school report; a letter of recommendation from your child’s Head Teacher and also their predicted grades at GCSE level.
If you require further information, you can make a general enquiry here or call our Admissions Officer on 00357 26623606 or email [email protected]
To make a direct application please complete an application form here
How to apply
Apply Online
Interview - Assessment
Place Offered
Place Accepted
Getting Started
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Where Aspire leads you …
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