Throughout their education at Aspire Private British School, students are immersed in its ethos which nurtures and guides them.
We are proud to offer a supportive environment, where students can achieve their personal, social and academic goals. Our close personal school community allows the students to feel secure and cared for, but is large enough to offer a wide breadth of experiences and social development.
In the primary years, the class teacher will always be the students’ first contact, whilst in the secondary years, their form tutor carefully monitors their progress and social well-being. Other school staff are also consistently available to offer support, help and guidance.
Pastoral support is not separate; it is integral to everything we do.
Throughout the school a combination of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship lessons guide and support the students in developing life skills and tackle topics such as:
Tackling prejudice and inequality
Internet safety
Revision Techniques
Exam Techniques
Positive personal image
Avoiding harmful habits
Forming positive relationships
Careers advice and future pathways
Environmental topics
Being a responsible global citizen
New students to the school receive a buddy to offer a friendly face in the first weeks in their new environment.
Pastoral support becomes particularly important when reaching important decision-making stages in their educational career: IGCSE subject options for Year 10, AS and A2 subject options for Years 12 and 13 and, most importantly, university choices and options available to students on leaving Aspire Private British School.
Through Open Evenings, talks, workshops and university fairs teamed with the advice and the understanding of Aspire’s educational staff, students and parents are offered practical and insightful recommendations to assist them in each decision-making process.
We are a member of UCAS allowing students to make their British university applications directly through us. We are then able to manage each application and provide advice and guidance at every stage of the process. We also have experience in handling applications to many universities worldwide which follow a similar procedure.

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