In addition to their academic studies, students at Aspire Private British School are also presented with opportunities to take part in various extra-curricular activities, clubs and events throughout their time at the school. These include:

  • Drama Events and Presentations
  • House Competitions and Quizzes
  • Cultural Events
  • Educational Day Trips
  • National and International Residential Trips
  • Environmental Activities
  • Debates & Public Speaking Events
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
  • After-school clubs and activities
  • Fund-raising and Charity Events
  • National and International Academic Competitions

After school clubs are an essential part of a child’s experience. These are offered at the end of the school day, in most cases are complimentary and offer our students an opportunity to try something a little more specialised in a relaxed environment. Activities are regularly updated and students are encouraged to request clubs and activities they would like to try; examples of which can be seen below.

Arts and CraftsSurvival GamesLatin
Construction ClubFootballDebating Society
Carnival Float PreparationBasketballPublic Speaking
Board & Card GamesCricketEnglish Support
Aspire Dramatic SocietyRoundersForensic Science Club
OrchestraPersonal FitnessPhilosophy Society
ChoirVolleyballThe Art of Great Speeches
SewingTable TennisMathematics Support
Film Criticism ClubDuke of Edinburgh International AwardA level Subject Specific Booster Classes
Graphics ClubHockeyEssay Writing Skills
Creative WritingGreek DancingSpeaking Greek
Fashion Sense SocietyTraditional GamesArt & Design
CookeryDanceMathematical Olympiad

ASPIRE Private British School is an Independent Operator of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award which we encourage the students to enter when they reach the qualifying age of 14.

The Duke of Edinburgh scheme has four sections:

  1. Service – Encourages service to others
  2. Expedition – Encourages the spirit of adventure and discovery
  3. Skills – Develops a new interest
  4. Physical Recreation– Encourages participation in a particular sport

During the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award the students become involved in various projects which offer service to the local community whilst learning to work as a team and for the good of others.

The camping section of the Award is the one which the students look forward to the most. This is an opportunity to challenge themselves, embrace the outdorr world and attain survival skills whilst learning to work and enjoy unforgettable team experiences.

The third and fourth section of the programme afford the students the opportunity to perform and develop activities such as: football, piano, ballet, karate, learning a language. This allows every child to develop their particular interest and skill. There are plenty of opportunities for students to demonstrate both their creativity and originality.

The International Duke of Edinburgh Award is greatly encouraged by the teachers as a means of developing the whole child by celebrating individuals’
interests and diversity. It is also an internationally renowned qualification that carries great weight on a student’s university application or CV.

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Aims & Values


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